Update Version Number in a File.

No, not an AssemblyInfo.cs file, that’s really straightforward. C’mon it’s a task that does what it says, easy.

Something I was trying to do is update the version number in, for all simple purposes, a text file – something that’s not xmlpoke-able. So I have the property ready to go and the file I want to update!

My first thoughts were to use the loadfile to get the file into a property and replace it with the version.

<loadfile file=”some.txt” property=”token-file”>



<token key=”VERSION” value=”${version}” />




Awesome, just like the sample and it echos out just fine…so now, how do I save my changes? After some digging around, I looked into the filterchain and read up on the copy task.

Seriously, copying a file now has the ability to modify the internals? Does not compute! Maybe copy, then modify. Anyway, its works now, so I can’t really complain anymore besides the hassle of finding the right task to do the job.

<copy file=”some-template.txt” tofile=”some.txt”>



<token key=”VERSION” value=”${version}” />




Now I know why James keeps telling me to get out of the XML HELL. Coding tasks in XML is just ass backwards.

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