Final Proposal is !(in our favor).

lab So the decision has been made !(in our favor). They have decided to keep their ideas, and pretty much scrap ours because they have to put in the plans today to get things rolling. They have admitted that they should have let us know earlier so our voice could be heard, but with the politics involved, they have decided to let us know a few days before the final proposal is due. Take a look below with all three layouts listed.

It’s frustrating working with the department and all of their political bullshit. I’m hoping for a better future, and really hoping there will still be a small community of CS students on the fifth floor. It would be beneficial to the department to have an area for students to hang out, but they don’t realize that. The Accreditation Board knows it is, they even asked if we did anything outside academics together. Looking at the currently layout, only 12 students will be able to hang out in the commons area at one time. Our layout will accomodate much more and give the department two dual purpose labs.

One thought on “Final Proposal is !(in our favor).

  1. “They have admitted that they should have let us know earlier so our voice could be heard, but with the politics involved, they have decided to let us know a few days before the final proposal is due. Take a look below with all three layouts listed.”

    I think they said that to make us not assplode on them. If they knew they needed the blueprints today then why waste Garbey’s ,King’s, Chandler’s time?

    This experience has left a very sour taste in my mouth.

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