Santa Marta, Colombia – 3/5.

Part Three of a Five Part Series.

Day 3 (Saturday):

It’s wedding day, my camera’s charged and time to put on my guayabera. I put on sandals…yes sandals for the wedding. You don’t know how big this is for me. This is the first time I’ll be going to a wedding where I don’t have to wear a tie, much less wear sandals! We piled up a couple cabs with the wedding cake, flowers, and much more. We finally packed ourselves in a cab and head over to the wedding location. Of course, I have no idea where it is, but all I know is that I have my camera on me.

We arrived near the beach in what seemed like a small neighborhood and arrived to a block completely gated with ten foot walls and a grand sliding wood entrance. We hop out, knock, and walk in. This place was freaking awesome! I’ll just let the pictures do justice on this, words aren’t enough. I walked around snapping some pictures, trying to find out good places to take pictures when everything was going down. Meanwhile, Marcelo was getting pimped out, Leah was getting ready upstairs, and everyone else spent a few hours waiting…and waiting…but that’s normal here, remember? A few guests arrived, and finally, everything was ready. I set my camera, snap-snap-snap. After the ceremony, the music began so did the festivities.

After dinner and a few drinks, I joined in on the fun too. I even snapped a few pictures to capture the moment. After most of the guests left, a few stragglers kept drinking and the music going. I ended up having some drinks, soup, drinks, and more drinks. I ended up passing out in some bed. I don’t remember who took me or showed me this room, but all I remember is David was already passed out in one of the beds. I don’t remember much from the night, but I do know they love their vallenato! They played for what seemed like hours, with the volume on high. David’s dad explained to me that this is how the music is best: the louder, the better. Believe me, the music was good.

The Reception Area.An Awesome Place for a Wedding.Vallenato Band + Tom.It's David!

Again, congratulations Leah and Marcelo!!!

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