There’s a ton of stuff out there that just makes my head go crazy. If you want to get started, here’s the quick run down of problems I ran into and what I did to…
Category: Development
Visual Studio 2008 – What More Can You Ask For?
So I was talking to James a little bit about Visual Studio’s features and things I’d like it to have. Here’s my list of things I might just not know about or things that would…
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Subtopic: QUICKLY Get log4net Setup.
(This is a subtopic of the Learning NHibernate by Example (Small).) It took me a while to get used to log4net version 1.2.10. Here’s my attempt at a quick crash course on what I consider…
Learning NHibernate by Example (Small).
So I started a new project a couple weeks back and I’m going to put off separating the common features into a “CommonProject” until later. I’ve run into a few tedious steps over and over…
Dreamhost Rocks.
Although I was one of the few who got affected by this little accounting problem, I still really respect Dreamhost. Not only did the blog an apology and email me an apology, they even explained…