Riddle me this, Riddle me that.

So I’m driving to school and people are calling up 97.9 The Box up for Nelly tickets like CRAZY! He plays some old school Nelly songs and another Paul Wall song. Hatter finally says, ok I’ll start the quiz.

Hatter: The first question is really easy, I’m embarassed to even ask it on the air…but here goes. If you put a yellow hat in the red sea, what does it become?
Caller 1: How old are you and whats your name?
Caller 1: My name is xxxx and I’m 22. The answer is RED!
Hatter: NOPE! Click. Next caller, what’s your name and age?
Caller 2: I’m xxxx and I’m 29.
Hatter: If you put a yellow hat in the red sea, what does it become?
Caller 2: um….uh….yellow hat in the red sea, right? um… silence…
Hatter: C’mon you’re taking up radio time!
Caller 2: uh…er…um …GREEN!

I could not stop laughing!

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