5 1/2 hours of fun…

So I decided to head back to Houston yesterday to pick up some last minute things, return a monitor, play raquetball, watch Batman Begins and most of all: celebrate Father’s Day.

I got off work at 1:00 PM to go back to my place and get my things. I leave to grab some food and gas and hit the road around 2:00 PM. So I get about 50 miles south of Plano and hit dead traffic, literally. I took my an hour to travel 3 miles! So I’m back on the road, make my usual stop at the Woody’s Smokehouse to pick up some beef jerky. At 100 miles out of Plano, I hit another set of traffic. This one took me 30 minutes to get through. The last set of traffic hit at Huntsville which took 30 minutes as well. So 7:30 PM was the time I got home. I was so exhausted!

Some fun pictures:
Construction Sucks.
I was on the traffic lane the road to the right (far distance) is the detour.

Yumm, Dinner is Served.
WHOA road kill! Car: 1, Armadillo: 0.

Flee the Freeway!
Some cars made their OWN detour.

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