So I’m continuing to work on the ASP.NET project and I learned a few things. Some are technical and some aren’t:
- (MS)SQL will return NOTHING with this query:
SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, column5
FROM user1.[table1]
WHERE column3 = 0
AND column5 = NULL
ORDER BY column1 - Using a 700 MHz with a 512 MB laptop isn’t too fun to use with Visual Studio .NET 2003
- My blood pressure is 151/98 which is kind of high, my cholesterol level is 192 which is desirable, and my glucose is 90 which is normal
- I bleed like crazy for these blood tests. The needle is so much better than this new thing that slices your finger
- Another intern showed me how to move ASP.NET pages from development to live: copy *.aspx and *.aspx.cs files and change the “codebehind” to “src”…it’s that easy.
- Frito Lay HQ has a better cafeteria than PepsiCo at Parkwood.
- Our restrooms are designated “Tornado Safe Room.”
Kinda high? Duude u have mild hypertension.
“Another intern showed me how to move ASP.NET pages from development to live: copy *.aspx and *.aspx.cs files and change the “codebehind” to “src”…it’s that easy.”
umm… If you’re using compiled pages (as you should be) then you don’t need the cs files to be copied to the production servers. I assume that the src= attribute allows the pages to be compiled during a request, which is not only a lot slower, but it’s risky since it is easily editable. — maybe I misunderstood you though 🙂