Rockets vs. Bulls!

Sweet, Jesus Gundy there’s so many tickets. I picked up our package from the Toyota Center earlier today.

2 tickets + 2 hot dogs + 2 beers/soda + 2 mugs = $52.00!
Section 431. Rows 2 and 3. Seats 1-6 in each.
Rockets vs. Bulls: Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:00 PM.
Look for us on TV if you’re not going to the game!

Fresh Out of the Package! There's Just So Many! Starting To Organize Them. All Ready To Go.


Who is all going?
First six pack: Me, Ben, Sohel, Joseph, Vikram, and Long.
Second six pack: Feibi, my little cousin Marie, Grace, Elizabeth, Sophia, and Sarah.
(My little cousin has a class she HAS to go to.)

One thought on “Rockets vs. Bulls!

  1. One the best Rockets “FAN” ever…
    MugenAngel: thank GUNDY the freakin baseball season is over
    MugenAngel: i hate baseball
    MugenAngel: hahaha
    MugenAngel: YAY BASKETBALL
    thomasnguyen com: hahaahahaha
    MugenAngel: basketball rocks hard core shit
    thomasnguyen com: ahaahahah….you totally don’t know basketball then.
    thomasnguyen com: ahaha i’m SOOO posting this.
    MugenAngel: post it bitch
    MugenAngel: POST THIS TOO

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