I’m 24 and there are 12 signs of the zodiac, so that makes me a Pig, right? WRONG. For the past 24 years of my life, I have been deceived by the “American” culture and mentality. There are many calendars, but the two in question are: Lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. The year-calculation is totally different, but same basic concept.
Remember! The Gregorian calendar has NOTHING to do with the Chinese Zodiac (not to be confused with the Classical Zodiac).
For the year 2007:
Dog: January 1 – February 17.
Pig: Febaruary 18 – December 31.
Apparently there’s an element attached to your sign too. I’m a water dog: “It is associated with the planet Mercury, the north and winter, and the colour black. Water is “black” because in fact it represents flood. It is believed to govern the kidneys.”
-That explains my craze for black.
-And the fact that water, to me, is FREAKING awesome.
-AND that I like the cold!
So, has anyone changed their animality? ***MORTAL KOMBAT!!!***